Parhaillaan luen Daniel Kahnemanin Nobel-luentoa, josta viisaus:
perception is a choice of which we are not aware, and we perceive what has been chosen.
The conformist benefits from the pooled knowledge of its companions.
perception is a choice of which we are not aware, and we perceive what has been chosen.
The popular perception that the United States has the most punitive criminal justice system is also incorrect: while the per capita incarceration rate of the United States is high, it also has the most violent crime. The propensity to incarcerate for a given crime and the length of time served for homicide are not dramatically higher for the United States and in some cases are actually lower.
What the United States has that Europe does not have is large underclass, that is, a stratum of concentrated and chronic poverty, distinct from the working class, characterized by violent crime, drug use, unemployment, poor education, and broken families. The beginnings of of and underclass are not visible in the center but on the outskirts of many European cities, particularly in areas with high concentrations of Third world immigrants.
One of my schoolmasters was a cultured, courteous and usually gentle man, but he had occasional explosions of temper, as he himself was aware. When extremely provoked in class he would say nothing at first, but his face showed that something unusual was going on inside. Then, beginning in a quiet and reasonable tone he would say: ‘Oh dear. I can't hold it. I'm going to lose my temper. Get down below your desks. I'm warning you. It's coming.’ All the time his voice was rising, and at the crescendo he would seize everything within reach, books, wooden-backed blackboard erasers, paperweights, inkpots, and hurl them in quick succession, with the utmost force and ferocity but with wild aim, in the general direction of the boy who had provoked him. His temper then gradually subsided, and next day he would offer the most gracious apology to the same boy. He was aware that he had gone out of control, he had witnessed himself becoming the victim of a positive-feedback loop.
Consider an argument between two closely bound people, say, husband and wife. Both parties believe that one is an altruist—of long standing, relatively pure in motive, and much abused—while the other is characterized by a pattern of selfishness spread over hundreds of incidents. They only disagree over who is altruistic and who selfish. It is noteworthy that the argument may appear to burst forth spontaneously, with little or no preview, yet as it rolls along, two whole landscapes of information processing appear to lie already organized, waiting only for the lightning of anger to show themselves.
One patient struggling to name a box of matches, said, "Waitresses, Waitrixies. A backland and another bank. For bandicks er bandicks I think they are, I believe they are zandicks, I'm sorry but they are called flitters landocks"
Vastaava mekanismi [kantaverbistä tehdään refleksiivinen muoto] tuottaa lausepareja, joissa komplementtilauseessa on PRO tai sitä ei ole:
(155) a. Molekyylin vapaat elektronit pakottavat ( sen kiinnittymään toiseen molekyyliin )
b.Molekyylin vapaat elektronit pakottautuvat ( PRO kiinnittymään toiseen molekyyliin)
PRO-elementin jakauma suomen kielessä ei siis riipu merkityksestä, vaan kieliopillisista mekanismeista
In Newtonian physics an action and its reaction are opposite and equal, so a pair of touching objects that are at rest, or are moving at a constant velocity, must exert equal forces on each other (if one force were stronger, the two would accelerate in that direction).
I tend to think of majors in science, math, and engineering as having obtained skills, majors in education have obtained credentials, and majors in business, social science, and humanities as having obtained neither. That is a gross over-generalization, of course.
In fact, in the time it takes to do a Google search, your own personal computer will use more energy than Google uses to answer your query.
no myöhemmin tuli kaikkia vilkkuvaloautoja. Poliisi, palokunta,
lääkäriauto ja ambulanssi. Halusivat viedä minut kokeisiin. Ei
tuntunut että olisin tarvinnut. Kaikki tuntui normaalilta. Mutta ei
näistä tiedä. Annan esimerkin. Liikennevahingossa tietokoneeni oli
repussa. ( on vaarallista pitää painavia irtoesineitä autossa. Älä tee
niin) reilusti onnettomuuden jälkeen tarkistin, että toimiiko kone. se
oli kunnossa. Mutta nyt kun illalla pääsin kotiin, niin kone ei enää
toimikaan. Ensivaikutelma pettää. Voi olla rikki,vaikkei siltä
vaikuta. Tarkistus on hyvästä. Ehkä se verikoe ja keuhkoröntgen jonka
sain ei ollut edes riittävä. Olisinko halunnut enemmän jos itse
Within ten years, it is more likely that the U.S. will have a European-style welfare system than it is that the European welfare systems will still be intact.
In a developed country a newborn female is expected to die die at aroudn 79, according to insurance tables. When she reaches her 79th birthday, her life expectancy, assuming she is in typical health, is another 10 years. At the age of 90 , she should have another 4,7 years to go. At the age of 100, 2.5 years. At the age of 119 if she miraculously lives that long, she should have about nine months left.Let's say a project is expected to terminate in 79 days, the same expectation in days as the newborn female has in years. On the 79th , if the project is not finished, it will be expected to take another 25 days to complete. But on the 90th day, if the project is still not completed, it should have about 58 days to go. On the 100th, it should have 89 days to go. On the 119th, it should have an extra 149 days. On day 600, if the project is not done, you will be expected to need extra 1590 days. As you see, the longer you wait, the longer you will be expected to wait.
Sen sijaan en pida jvrkevana ajatusta eduskunnan valiokuntien kokouksen muuttamisesta julkisiksi. Julkiset valiokuntakeskustelut korostaisivvat poliitikkojen patemisen tarvetta, asioihin paneutumisen kustannuksella
The average vitamin C intake has been rather low in the UK and plasma vitamin C concentrations are in general lower in males than in females. In four studies with British females vitamin C supplementation had no marked effect on common cold incidence (pooled RR 0·95; 95% CI 0·86, 1·04). However, in four studies with British male schoolchildren and students a statistically highly significant reduction in common cold incidence was found in groups supplemented with vitamin C (pooled RR 0·70; 95% CI 0·60, 0·81). Thus, these studies with British males indicate that vitamin C intake has physiological effects on susceptibility to common cold infections, although the effect seems quantitatively meaningful only in limited groups of people and is not very large.